
“…His word was in my heart like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, And I could not.” -Jeremiah 20:9

Ignition’s Mission

Ignition Ministries serves people who are looking for connection with other believers and a desire to grow in their walk with Jesus. Our passion is to ignite a fire inside of those who are ready to live for more than self and discover their everlasting purpose through a deeper relationship with Christ. 


Book a speaker.

  • Melissa Gaona

    Melissa shares her testimony and the gospel with diverse audiences. Whether it’s youth or adults, she delivers a compelling message that points to the power of Jesus.

  • Pastor Josh & Melissa

    Josh and Melissa celebrate 11 years of marriage in 2024. Together, the couple is passionate about real marital issues, the importance of growing individually with the Lord, while also thriving as husband and wife.

  • Pastor Josh Cunningham

    As a former college basketball player and high school head coach, Josh has a passion for reaching men. Now serving as a pastor, his experience gives a unique insight into leading men to become devoted husbands, strong fathers, and self-less followers of Jesus Christ.

Get Involved

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